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Steampunk Secret Heart Lock and Key Box Polymer Clay

Steampunk Secret Heart Lock and Key Box Polymer Clay

Unlock a world of mystery, romance, and steampunk charm with our Steampunk Secret Heart Lock and Key Box. This meticulously handcrafted polymer clay box is not just a container for your secrets; it's a piece of art that combines the elegance of a heart with the intrigue of steampunk aesthetics.


Artistry and Elegance: Our Steampunk Secret Heart Lock and Key Box is painstakingly hand-sculpted. It beautifully marries the symbolism of the heart with the intricate details of steampunk design.


Hidden Compartment: The interior of the heart-shaped box provides a compartment for storing small treasures, love notes, or sentimental keepsakes, making it a meaningful and functional piece.


Steampunk Aesthetics: The box is adorned with steampunk-inspired elements, including gears, cogs, and rivets, creating a harmonious fusion of elegance and mechanical wonder.


Intricate Detailing: From the lock that secures your secrets to the gears that adorn the heart, every aspect of this creation is meticulously detailed, adding to its visual appeal.


Collector's Treasure: For fans of steampunk, romantic decor, or unique boxes, this heart-shaped creation is a cherished addition, embodying the essence of artistry and craftsmanship.


Product Specifications:

- Dimensions: Approximately 6 in x 4 in
- Material: Sculpey and Fimo polymer clay
- Colors: Steampunk-inspired palette with a heart-shaped design
- Weight: Approximately 1 lb


Unlock the enchantment of steampunk romance with our Steampunk Secret Heart Lock and Key Box. Whether you're searching for a unique gift, a decorative piece for your romantic space, or a meaningful container for your cherished mementos, this heart-shaped box will capture your heart and secrets alike. Order yours today and let the intrigue of steampunk aesthetics add a touch of whimsy and elegance to your world.

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